During the month of March, we tackled business critical conversations with outstanding speakers who provided insights, top tips, practical advice and stimulate innovative ideas and thinking.
These thought leadership events offered continued learning, knowledge transfer and personal development are key for any successful organisation, you can catch up on week 1’s conversation, Culture, Diversity & Inclusion here.
Catch up on the Culture, Diversty and Inclusion conversation from Leadership Month 2022. Our speakers this week engaged us with personal stories and anecdotes around Unconscious Bias, Imposter Syndrome, Healthy Workplaces, Equality, and the Menopause.
Creating An Inclusive Culture at Superdry
Gemma shares her story and talks about what they are doing in Superdry to address, diversity and inclusion in their organisation. She talks about unconscious bias, imposter syndrome and her passion for this topic.
Celebrating International Women’s Day #BreakTheBias
We are delighted to be able to celebrate International Women’s Day in person this year with our ‘Inspiring Women in Business’ event celebrating excellence in business and best practice. Key speakers for this event were: Eve Jardine-Young – Principal, Cheltenham Ladies College; Janis Sinton – Managing Director, TasteTech; and Nicola Whiting – Best selling author; engaging public speaker and award winning mentor.
Smashing the glass ceiling and perceived barriers of Culture, Diversity, and Inclusion in construction.
Nicola Bird and Natalie Bell, AccXel
Nicola Bird and Natalie Bell discussed how they have smashed all perceived barriers of culture, diversity, and inclusion within the typically male-dominated environment of construction. They will share their journey so far and tell us how they will achieve their mammoth goals at AccXel.
Ben Ramsay, Barnwood Construction
Ben Ramsay joined us to discuss what Barnwood Group has been doing to support D&I. Ben talked about their work with the MEPC on D&I Programme, ‘Changing the Game’, inclusive leadership, company Code of Conduct, and developing and integrating D&I plans.
Rachel Harper, Organised Consulting
Rachel Harper opened an honest conversation about how to address difficult conversations around D&I, understand unconscious bias, correct language to use, & how to create an authentic, diverse, inclusive environment. Practical tips, tools, & a step-by-step guide.
The Benefits of Creating a Healthy Workplace
Rachel Geliamassi, Managing Director, Stagecoach West
We heard from Rachel Geliamassi, on the journey the Stagecoach West have been on; the impact the Healthy Workplace scheme has had on staff, some top tips, and their continued learning.
The Healthy Workplaces Award is a standard of good practice and a quality mark of health and wellbeing in the workplace. Organisations are assessed through a series of online standards and commitments in a range of health areas from healthy eating to personal safety.
The Menopause Impact on Mental Health and Well Being
Sharon MacArthur, Founder, Miss Menopause
Miss Menopause has been created to fill the void of educational services needed by working women as they reach the menopause. Menopause will affect us all in some way. Sharon taught us about the menopause and gave us the tools to support others in the workplace and life in general.
Why Does An Inclusive & Diverse Workforce Matter?
Rupert Walters, 4orty2
Having an inclusive & diverse workforce won 4orty2 a £70M contract against the all the odds and how their approach to ED&I has enabled them to deliver an outstanding service that clearly defined them from the competition.
Recommended Reading
- Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead co-written by Sheryl Sandberg & Neil Scovell https://leanin.org/book
- Nicola Whiting MBE https://www.nicolawhiting.com/published-work/
- 5 Voices by Jeremie Kubicek & Steve Cockram https://5voices.com/
- The Go Giver by Bob Burg & John David Mann https://thegogiver.com/
- The Change Catalyst by Campbell MacPherson https://www.changeandstrategy.com/books/
- The Power to Change by Campbell MacPherson https://www.changeandstrategy.com/books/
- You: Part 2. Thriving in the second half of your life by Campbell MacPherson & Jane MacPherson https://www.changeandstrategy.com/books/
- Building the Best by John Eades https://learnloft.com/building-the-best-book/
- The 10 Minute Life Coach by Fiona Harrold https://www.circle2success.com/motivational-month-another-great-book-to-read/
- Who moved my Cheese? By Dr Spencer Johnson https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4894.Who_Moved_My_Cheese_
- Will it Make the Boat Go Faster? by Ben Hunt-Davis & Harriet Beveridge https://willitmaketheboatgofaster.com/
- Taming Tigers by Jim Lawless https://tamingtigers.com/
- Black Box Thinking By Matthew Syed https://www.matthewsyed.co.uk/resource/black-box-thinking-the-surprising-truth-about-success/
- Hope in Hell by Jonathon Porritt http://www.jonathonporritt.com/hope-in-hell/
- Sandler Enterprise Selling by David Mattson & Brian Sullivan https://www.sandler.com/programs/enterprise-selling/
- The Future Leader by Jacob Morgan https://thefutureorganization.com/