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Regeneration and Economic Growth for Cheltenham with Cheltenham Borough Council

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  • Date: Wednesday 12/06/2024
  • Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm
  • At: Gloucestershire College - Princess Elizabeth Way, GL51 7SJ

About the event

What you need to know about the Future of Cheltenham and Future Opportunities!

Join us to find out how you can get involved and be part of these exciting plans; supply chain, support and future opportunities.

An opportunity to hear from Paul Minnis, Director of Major Developments and Regeneration at Cheltenham Borough Council and Helen Mole, Head of Place Marketing and Inward Investment. An update on what’s happening locally, the investment, the opportunity and the economic growth.

What’s happening  on The Golden Valley and the Minster Exchange projects to insights into the future of the Municipal Building and Cavendish house. Future opportunities, economic growth, social values, and sustainable practices.

 Paul will set how the Council is instrumental in shaping the future of Cheltenham as a Place, for the better, both as a leader and enabler of major development and regeneration. Helen will talk about investment and opportunities.

Paul Minnis
Director for Major development & Regeneration, Cheltenham Borough Council.

Paul leads the Major Development & Regeneration team which is responsible for the Council’s Golden Valley Development and other major capital projects.

The Council, with our chosen development partner, HBD, are in the delivery phase of the Golden Valley Development (including the National Cyber Innovation Centre), overseeing the scheme design, submission of planning applications and then contractor selection to achieve a much anticipated start on site. Driving a financial return to the Council through a highly sustainable development, with tangible social value for the local and wider community, will be the focus for this delivery.

 A Chartered Surveyor, Paul joined the Council in May 2021 after nearly 30 years of experience leading property development in the private sector, delivering commercial and housing development schemes across the South West of England and Wales.  He leads an experienced and motivated development team working across the Borough.

Helen Mole, head of place marketing and inward investment, Cheltenham Borough Council.

Helen heads up the Marketing Cheltenham team who promote Cheltenham to visitors, residents, businesses and investors via the Visit Cheltenham and We’re Moving to Cheltenham brands.

Helen joined the council in July 2022 with nearly 20 years of experience in economic development. Since that time, she has led the work to identify and fill vacant retail units in the town centre and has overseen the delivery of the 2023 Christmas Ice Rink which not only contributed significantly to the economy but also led to major developments in environmental efficiencies for events. Helen has managed funding programmes supporting Cheltenham’s economy and has also made improvements in service delivery to ensure efficiencies for the council.

Helen is an active member of Cheltenham Culture Board and is a keen champion of the positive impact that arts and culture can have on communities and the economy. She also sits on the local visitor economy partnership group, supporting destination management for the region nationally and internationally. Helen and her team are passionate about Cheltenham and committed to supporting the promotion and development of the town, working closely with local businesses to help them to maximise opportunities and support growth.

Recent News Story

£1 billion Golden Valley project remains top priority for council’s new cabinet

Establishing Cheltenham as ‘the cyber capital of the UK’ through its ambitious £1 billion Golden Valley development remains a top priority for Cheltenham Borough Council following the appointment of its new cabinet this May 2024.

The National Cyber innovation Centre, part of the Golden Valley project, will comprise high-quality office space for cyber businesses, flexible event spaces and food and beverage facilities.

Cheltenham Borough Council has reaffirmed its ambition to ‘protect the town’s future’ with jobs, training and opportunities for career development through its pioneering, cyber-focused Golden Valley project.

It follows the appointment of the council’s new cabinet this May 2024 after the recent local election, with the allocation of new portfolios laying out who will lead on delivering the council’s key aims.

Councillor Peter Jefferies, deputy leader of the council, has been given the portfolio of major developments and housing delivery. The Golden Valley project is being led by the council together with developer partner HBD.

The council has so far contributed £130 million to set the wheels in motion on what is the biggest project in its history.

It is hoped the development will see thousands of new jobs created, with plans for a million square feet of commercial space, a landmark National Cyber Innovation Centre and 1,000 new homes along with green spaces and leisure facilities.

Forming a part of the government’s National Cyber Strategy and levelling up plans, the project was also successful in securing £20 million of Levelling Up funding in November 2023 to kick start its first phase.

A planning application for the development was submitted back in November 2023, while a separate application for the National Cyber Innovation Centre is expected this year.

The council says the delivery of affordable housing, working to tackle climate change and ensuring future growth and prosperity for the town remain at the heart of its plans following the appointments.

Council leader Rowena Hay, said: ‘As a forward thinking, highly ambitious council, I am proud of all that we have achieved and will continue to achieve, as I announce my new cabinet.

‘Recent years have been difficult for everyone and we continue to put people and our communities first, with high-quality housing and community investment, strong partnership working and promotion of, and equal access to, healthier lifestyles.

‘Our investment into Cheltenham means that the high street, in particular, continues to punch above its weight and, through Golden Valley, we are creating an internationally significant hub for cyber security, which will protect Cheltenham’s future with jobs, training and career opportunities, as well as creating a sustainable, green community helping us to achieve some of our net zero targets.

‘We have a lot to do and we are excited about all that is in front of us. I am confident that under the direction and guidance of my newly formed cabinet, we are in good hands.’

Gloucestershire College

Princess Elizabeth Way, GL51 7SJ

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