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Watch The Budget Live with C2S & Crowe (venue to be confirmed)

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When & where

  • Date: Wednesday 30/10/2024
  • Time: 11:30am - 2:00pm
  • At: Cheltenham – TBC -

About the event

You’re invited to join us for a live, in-person event to watch and discuss the highly anticipated UK October 2024 Budget—the first by the new Labour government! This budget marks a pivotal moment in British politics, with significant implications for the economy, public services, and the future direction of the country.

Whether you’re a business leader, policy enthusiast, or just curious about how these changes will affect you and your business, this is a great opportunity to hear expert commentary, engage in lively discussion, and network with others who share your interests.

Don’t miss out—reserve your spot!

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Cheltenham – TBC

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