B-Lieve in Better – Hooray – Officially B Corp Certified

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B-Lieve in Better – Hooray – Officially B Corp Certified

Cheltenham, UK – 3rd June 2024 – Hooray, Gloucestershire’s leading ethical and independent recruitment company, is proud to announce that it has earned B Corp Certification. With their new status, they will be joining a group of around 40 organisations across Gloucestershire that are dedicated to using business as a force for good.

What is B Corp?

B Corp Certification is verified by B Lab, a non-profit organisation dedicated to transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. It is accredited to companies that are part of a global community of businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental impact.

B Corps are also legally committed to bringing benefit not just to shareholders, but all business stakeholders — workers, customers, communities, and the environment.

This certification is not just a mark of distinction but a commitment to continuous improvement and leadership in building an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economic system.


Why B Corp?

Hooray are passionate about making a positive impact on people and believe strongly that businesses as well as non-profit making organisations can be a force for good for the community. Hooray is motivated by introducing good people to good organisations in order that they can contribute positively to the wider society and economy.

Hooray, a purpose driven company ‘Pioneers ethical recruitment for a better working world’ and their goals are to help reduce inequalities in the workplace and improve employee diversity. That’s why they wanted and felt they needed to do more.

They took their first steps in their B Corp journey by completing an in-depth Impact assessment that rigorously evaluates organisations based on five key areas; governance, customers, workers, environment and community. With which Hooray has made significant contributions, outperforming on each section well over the UK and industry average. For full transparency you can see it for yourself click here to read Hooray’s impact report.


How it works

So, to summarise, companies that have a score of over 80 (out of 200) points are officially awarded their shiny new status of B Corp Certification. With a score of 91.4, Hooray joins a global community of over 7,000 businesses, including MAJOR brands that are using business as a force for good.

To give some context these companies include: WeTranfer with a score of 80.4, The Body Shop (93.8), The Guardian (100.9), and Patagonia, the Mother Tereasa of all B Corps, with a score of 166.

Companies must reapply every 3 years, ensuring all companies have kept their commitment. Hooray are aware they still have a fair way to go but they are confident they are on the right tracks and making waves. Because not only do they want to continuously improve as a business, but they also want to raise the bar of recruitment, ensuring their high standards, is the standard.


Hoorays Commitments Outlined

· Ethical Recruitment Practices: Hooray is committed to providing fair, inclusive and transparent recruitment services, ensuring that both clients and candidates are treated with the utmost respect and integrity.

· Community Engagement: The agency actively supports local initiatives and charitable organisations, fostering a sense of community and positive social impact.

· Environmental Responsibility: Hooray has implemented sustainable practices within its operations to minimise its environmental footprint, including reducing waste, planting trees and promoting energy efficiency.

· Employee Well-being: The company prioritises the health and well-being of its employees, offering a supportive and inclusive workplace culture.


Hooray’s Managing Director, Richard Arthur expressed excitement about the certification:

“Achieving B Corp status is a testament to our team’s hard work and dedication to our core values. We believe that businesses can be a force for good, and this certification reinforces our commitment to ethical recruitment and making a positive impact on society and the environment.”


Hooray’s Operational Director, Ian Moriarty, commented,

“We too believe that we must be the change we seek in the world. We’re really excited to see the positive impact we can make together. As a business and a member of the B Corp community. As well as to be accountable and transparent about that impact”.


Fran Page, their B Corp consultant also had this to say about their process,

“I could tell Hooray was purpose-driven as soon as I met them. To be honest, they were already operating like a B Corp but, like many companies, they just needed a little guidance about formalizing their positive impact and some support through the rigorous process”


As a newly certified B Corp, Hooray joins a global movement of people using business as a force for good and will continue driving the conversation forward in the recruitment industry.

“Our vision is to raise the bar of recruitment standards and whilst there aren’t many B Corp recruitment companies in the UK we hope that this encourages more recruitment agencies to follow suit”

Prudence Bond, Hooray’s Marketing Manager comments.