C2S Awards Finalists Drinks Evening Huge Success!

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C2S Awards Finalists Drinks Evening Huge Success!

C2S The Biggest Business Awards in the Region Celebrated in Style!

The C2S Finalists Drinks Evening at Pittville Pump Room – what a great night! Nearly 200 hundred finalists, sponsors and judges joined us to celebrate success and the fantastic businesses we have in the region!

Huge thank you to BPE Solicitors LLP, our joint headline sponsors this year along with Abbey Business Interiors and for sponsoring the drinks evening – great to work with the team at BPE Solicitors LLP to deliver a superb evening – thank you guest speaker John Workman, Senior Partner and Jemma Jones Douglas Armstrong Steve Conlay Alice Duffy George Wardhaugh Emily Arnold Sarah Lee Ellee Docksey Helen Cankett Rebecca Pike Sam Round Shanade Smith and the team.

Thank you to our speakers on the night Steve Mitchell from  The Cheltenham Trust for the update on the recent refurbishments on the Pittville Pump Rooms and the great discount offered for C2S members. Courtney Power and the team did an amazing job with the canapes .

Thank you to Lynette Barrett, MBA CEO at National Star for sharing their story about winning the C2SAwards2023 Bestplacetowork category last year and the positive impact this had on their business and people.

Thank you to John Wilkinson, Director at The Western Gateway for sharing his insights and the value of being connected to a wider area.

Thank you Emma Davis, Abbey Business Interiors for your support for the awards for the second year running.

Huge thank you to Andrew Hawker Andrew Harris Rebecca Harris and the team at Laithwaites Wine for supplying the delicious wines and for the fantastic discount of 25% OFF wines for C2S Members and C2S Award Entrants!

What a night we had, thank you to all our sponsors and judges and to everyone that makes these outstanding awards happen .


Check out the rest of the photos on the photo gallery on the C2S website, so take a look and feel free to use them in your newsletters and on social: https://lnkd.in/eGiuAm4


Congratulations to all our finalists again and see you at the Awards evening on 12th July 2024:

Book Your Places Here: https://www.circle2success.com/events/c2s-regional-business-awards-2024/

Laithwaites Offer for C2S Members and Awards Entrants.

Thank You to all our C2S Awards Sponsors for 2024