C2S collaborate with Official Partners McLoughlin Planning to bring you a bi-monthly catch up for those in the construction and property sector. If you are a builder, developer, architect, contractor; lawyer or a C2S member with an interest in this sector please join us for a casual, relaxed drink after work and re-connect with like-minded people.
Great opportunity to network and catch up – C2S members and guests
Thank you to Brittney Crawley and the team at Hotel Du Vin, for a sample of their summer canapes – highly recommend!
See you all again next time.
Book your place here for the next Property and Construction bi-monthyl catch up here:
Date: July 2023 Time: 5.30pm – 7.30pm at: Hote; Du Vin, Cheltenham
A Packed Event Every time at Hotel Du Vin, Cheltenham
Jenny McLoughlin & Chris Moore from McLoughlin Planning
Chris Moore – McLoughlin Planning
Chris Moore BSc (Hons) MSc MRTPI
Associate Director
e: chris.moore@mplanning.co.uk
m: 07990656351
t: 01242 895 008
a: 119 Promenade, Cheltenham, Glos, GL50 1NW
The McLoughlin Planning Team.
Working in partnership with: