C2S Launch Their Educational Outreach Live Connecting Students and the Business Community!

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C2S Launch Their Educational Outreach Live Connecting Students and the Business Community!

C2S Launch Their Educational Outreach Live Event!

Connecting Hundreds of Students and the Business Community Under one roof – the Biggest In-Person Event of It’s Kind!

A fantastic new initiative by C2S to bring students and the Business Community together at an annual in-person event. We anticipate around 1,000 students will attend this event!

On the back of the huge success of the C2S Connections initiative launched in 2021, C2S will bring students and the business community together, all under one roof!

As businesses struggle to keep up with the demand from schools today to attend many different career events, at many different schools, this is the answer we are all looking for!

A once-a-year live event giving students the opportunity to develop their inter-personal skills, build valuable connections, explore future career options and learn about all the amazing businesses we have in the region.

In the South West we educate our young people well, but many leave the region for career opportunities or universities in other areas, not understanding or aware of the outstanding opportunitites we have in this region.

Our research shows that many young people are unaware of the great businesses we have in the South West and the fantastic career opportunities.

Our C2S Educational Outreach Live event will showcase many organisations, from many sectors, inspiring the next generation of talent and creating valuable relationships and a pathway for our young people to connect to future career opportunities.



On 27th November 2024 C2S will hold their first C2S Educational Outreach Event at The Cheltenham Racecourse, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.

Students from schools, colleagues and universities from across the county will be invited to join us for the biggest educational outreach live event. Bringing together students from Year 9 upwards to meet businesses and higher education organisations, all under one roof!

If you are a school, college or university then please get in touch and book your students onto this FREE one-day event and if you are a business looking to support young people and the next generation of talent than please get in touch to book a stand.

Wellbeing Workshops and Speed Networking

This one day event will provide the opportunity for students to chat to many businesses from many sectors, explore new ideas and new career paths. Students will be invited to attend our Financial Wellbeing Workshops, Mental Health & Wellbeing Workshop, Career Advice Workshops, First Aid Training and Speed Networking events.

For students it will Stretch your mind, develop your personal skills and build your connections. Learn about future career opportunities and experience a day getting to know some of the best, most exciting organisations in the region!

A must for any students that want to progress in life, find a great career path and learn more about future job opportunities.

Reach your potential and join us at the C2S Educational Outreach Live Event!

Why Should Businesses Get Involved?

This one day event will provide the opportunity for businesses to showcase their future career opportunities, apprenticeships and jobs to a wide variety of students from across the county. An inclusive event connecting with future talent, inspiring the next generation and showcasing what great organisations we have in the county.

Helping to keep our talent in the region and encourage students from other areas to look at future career opportunities here.

Businesses can take a stand at this one day event and meet hundreds and hundreds of students all under the same roof!

Stand costs to be advised soon.

Please register your interest if you would like to showcase your business and connect to your future talent!


Why Should Students Attend?

There has never been a better opportunity to meet organisations from all sectors under one roof! Businesses from every sector and size of organisation will join us. A chance for students to explore what’s on offer locally, connect with future employers, apprenticeship opportunities and get careers advice. Explore the many job roles within an organisation, learn more about what employers are looking for and how you can get your dream job in the future!

There will be wellbeing workshops and a chance to speed network with apprentices, graduates, business owners and business leaders from a huge variety of business.

Students can come along with their schools, book themselves on or come along with their parents atfter school.

A must for any students that wants to progress in life, find a great career path and learn more about future job opportunities.

Reach your potential and join us at the C2S Educational Outreach Live Event!

Who Can Attend?

The event will be open for 9.00am – 6.00pm accommodating for students from state schools, private schools, collegues, universities and those that want to come along with their parents.

FREE FOR STUDENTS!                         FREE PARKING!


info@circle2success.co.uk    Tel: 03300 536 186




This C2S initiatives was launched to help connect students to the business community digitally. As a result of Covid relationships had been lost between schools and the business community, students had lost their confidence, missed out on work experience and the valuable skills young people need to prepare them for the workplace. Businesses had lost their connections and feared further outbreaks of Covid. Meeting in-person was not an option at this time.

C2S Connections was the perfect way to connect students and businesses digitally using our digital platform, providing a speed networking style event for students to meet lots of businesses and businesspeople. Both students and the businesses found these events hugely valueable and a great, safe way to connect, no cost to the schools, zero carbon footprint and no Covid transmission.

On the back of each event students and business are surveyed to ask for feedback and better understand what is important to young people and what skills businesses are looking for.

Many times we have been asked to hold an in-person event to allow students to meet businesses in-person and further develop their personal skills and make valuable connections.

Now in addition to the quarterly C2S Connections initiative we will be running our annual C2S Educational Outreach event. Providing a solution to the constant demand on businesses to attend many careers days and the need for schools and students to have a better understanding of what future employers are looking for and what the future career opportunities will be.




info@circle2success.co.uk    Tel: 03300 536 186