Every year, CCP’s Hamper Scamper Appeal spreads the spirit of Christmas
by providing festive food parcels to people in need. Demand increased in
2020, partly due to the Covid-19 pandemic but also due to many more
people experiencing hardship and the increased cost of daily living.
Thanks to the collaborative efforts of the private, public and voluntary
sectors, we have assisted families living on the brink of homelessness, as
well as those experiencing income cuts and struggling to afford food and
heating, on top of trying to meet the expectations of the festive season.
We also supported those feeling lonely, who had no friends or family to
celebrate this special time of year with.
Hamper Scamper relies on the generosity of local people, businesses and
the wider community of supporters for donations of food, children’s gifts
and time. In this year of years, CCP’s loyal friends and supporters went
beyond the proverbial ‘extra mile’ to ensure every request for help was
met and we dedicate this report to everyone who did their bit to make
the appeal a success.
Thank you so much!