Full House at National Star Celebrate International Women’s Day #AccelerateAction

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Full House at National Star Celebrate International Women’s Day #AccelerateAction


Many thanks for joining us on Friday for International Women’s Day and thank you to the team at National Star for hosting us so well and WSP Solicitors for sponsoring the event. A great afternoon, celebrating successes, hearing inspiring stories and seeing how far we have come but not forgetting what still needs to be done.  Clare Vertigen put it very well when she talked about the retrograde steps happening in the USA and that we don’t want to catch that cold! The movement toward a more equity world has to continue.

Thank you to our fabulous speakers:  Lynette Barrett – National Star; Louise Speaight- L3 Technology; Camella Cephas – WSP Solicitors, Alex Gidman – England Women’s Cricket, Silas Miller – WSP Solicitors

More information about National Star and how you can support them: https://www.nationalstar.org/

Please check out the up-and-coming events – Sunrise Walk; Wing Walk and Golf Day

Please get in touch with Monica Farthing if you can help with work placements, want to book events at National Star, you want to arrange a tour or just find out more about the amazing work they do:  mfarthing@nationalstar.org

More information on WSP Solicitors: https://wspsolicitors.com/

Please contact Camella Cephas and Silas Miller if they can help you with anything at WSP



Please join us:

Women’s Leadership Network 19th March 10am-11am (online)

Book Place/s:  https://www.circle2success.com/events/national-womens-leadership-network-online-who-am-i-now-and-whats-next/

At this event we will be looking at the different times in a woman’s life when we can lose ourselves and how we get back on track!

Whether it was puberty and leaving school when we were challenged into finding out who we were and what we wanted to do, becoming a mother, looking after a family or being a carer, juggling many responsibilities – to navigating menopause, moving your career on, children flying the nest and getting to that stage where we realise we are more than our career. So who are we then and what’s next?

Leader Boardroom 28th March 9am-11am with Cherly Luzet, CEO Wagada Digital  (in-person) on the growing a business across 2 locations and how to get the best out of people. One of the things that Cherly has been talking about recently is some of the company’s policies like their menopause and menstrual policy and their impact.  Always a great conversation with Cherly!

Book Place/s: https://www.circle2success.com/events/leader-boardroom/

More information on Claudia Goldin’s work:

The First Women to win the Noble Prize for Economics Solo 2023

Claudia Goldin, a prominent Harvard economist, has extensively researched the gender wage gap, producing influential work that includes insightful graphs illustrating this disparity. One notable graph, discussed in a Vox article, depicts how the wage gap between men and women starts relatively small in their 20s but widens significantly through their 30s and 40s. This trend is often associated with women taking on child-rearing responsibilities, which can impact their career progression and earnings.


For a comprehensive analysis accompanied by detailed graphs, Goldin’s 1986 paper, “The Earnings Gap Between Male and Female Workers: An Historical Perspective,” offers valuable insights into the evolution of the gender earnings gap over a 170-year period.


Additionally, Goldin’s 2017 study, “The Expanding Gender Earnings Gap: Evidence from the LEHD-2000 Census,” examines how the gender earnings gap expands over the lifecycle, particularly among college graduates aged 26 to 39. The research highlights that about 44% of the widening gap is due to men moving into higher-earning positions, industries, and firms, while 56% is attributed to differential advancements within firms.  scholar.harvard.edu

The Fawcett Society Report: https://www.fawcettsociety.org.uk/equal-pay-day-2024

International Women’s Day: https://www.internationalwomensday.com/

Any questions please get in touch: info@circle2success.co.uk

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