Empowering Employees: Spirax Sarco’s Inclusive Initiatives

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Empowering Employees: Spirax Sarco’s Inclusive Initiatives

Empowering Employees: Spirax Sarco’s Inclusive Initiatives


Spirax Sarco is leading the charge in creating menopause-friendly workplaces, committed to ensuring that every employee feels sale, respected, and supported. The Spirax Group has developed comprehensive global principles informed by both employee feedback and expert guidance, aimed at providing enhanced support for those experiencing menopause or menstrual health challenges.


Making our Difference

Wherever we work in the world, we are committed to making a difference for our colleagues.

That means supporting everyone to get the best from being part of Spirax Group – at work and at home. Our Group Inclusion Commitments have become our global minimum standards on a wide range of inclusion and wellbeing topics.

They are part of what makes us unique as a Group and how we support every unique colleague globally.


Everyone can make a difference

“Watching your neurodiverse family member struggle in the world is exceedingly painful for caregivers. It doesn’t have to be though. I’m now an active volunteer with the Autism Society of America where I hope to use my family’s experience and my skills as an HR leader to influence meaningful change to support the Autism community in employment, policy, education, healthcare, and home and community services. “


Tracey Staley, VP Human Resources, Electric Thermal Solutions

This is Tracey’s story:


“My son Jeff’s first day of school started with his excitement to join his friends in a new, fun learning experience. It ended with Jeff running out of school early, without telling his teachers, to escape overwhelming noise and stimuli that were too much for him.

“This was also the first day of our journey to understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), or Autism. Jeff needed many support services to help him succeed in school and life, and his interests never seemed to overlap those of his peers. He’s fascinated by trains and loves to share his knowledge. My husband and I adjusted our work schedules and took time off for regular appointments and unexpected challenges.

“Eventually, the time needed to support a son with Autism meant my husband left his career to be Jeff’s full-time caregiver. Jeff was accepted into a programme for students with ASD at Marshall University. At first, he struggled being away. But, with help from the college, he graduated with a degree in Computer and Information Technology. His dream was to be a software developer. Jeff had trouble finding a job though. At interviews, he responded haltingly or with very short answers to questions. It took a long time to find a role, initially in IT support but he was laid off when the pandemic started. Eventually he got a job that’s a great match – a software developer building train automation systems.

“Too often, people living on the Autism spectrum are categorised, labelled and placed into diagnostic boxes. But life experiences are more complex. Jeff’s journey shows that people with Autism can be effective employees with a little understanding and accommodation.


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