Finance Focus with BPE, Crowe & Impulse Capital

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Finance Focus with BPE, Crowe & Impulse Capital

Thank you to our expert panel at this months Finance Focus:

John Workman – Managing Partner at BPE Solicitors


Max Wright  – Director Impulse Capital


Alex Hindson – Partner, Crowe UK


  • John Workman spoke what BPE clients are staying to them: recruitment is still an issue as is cost pressure on margins; higher recruitment costs coming out of COVID is driving more efficiency;
  • Interest rates will come down and disposable income will be released.
  • Uncertainly is less of an issue we know what government we have.
  • Employment rights will require companies to get it right first time.
  • Commercial property is moving but its not buoyant.
  • M&A and BPE are busy but may not be common across the country.  Deals taking longer to get over the line and not as many of them.

People are cautions but not fearful and growth prospects have improved.

Max spoke about property investment opportunities and how passionate he is about finance and getting the right deals for people.

  • Impusle Captial  eis part of a netwrk with over 100 people £3m currenlty in applciation for new projects.
  • They can hire a further 119 financial brokers
  •  HMO (Home of Multiple Occupancy) are very popular – 80% loan to value is available.  Max gave a worked example of a current client.
  • Look out of the HMO’s that are empty they give lots more opportunity to make
  • Holiday Lets are still popular
  • Provide examples of the challenger banks they use – 75% loan to value and will lend up to £5m
  • 300 lenders on their panel and can give a decision in 48 hours not the 6-8 weeks that is now common

Alex  gave us a sustainability update

  • Regulatory horizon scan – what regulations can we expect?
  • Commercial perspective on sustainability strategies

See Alex’s slides: Crowe_sustainability July 24

Watch the conversations here: