Finance Focus with Crowe UK

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Finance Focus with Crowe UK

Thanks to Nick Latimer and Chris Mould for sharing some insights into:

  • The focus of the different political parties might be with regard to tax, and
  • Insights into the Crowe Manufacturing Manifesto

You can see both presentations below.

Nick’s Slides: C2S finance focus June 24 Presentation (ID 3077094)

The UK manufacturing sector has been a major contributor to the success and wealth generation of the UK economy, global development and influence, for centuries.

As an island nation, the country’s forefathers, realised that with limited natural resources, to be a successful trading nation, and to provide
sustainable income for the exchequer, the UK needed to add value by virtue of innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship and skilful hard work.The vision and inspiration of the pre-Victorian enlightenment, driven by the likes of the Lunar Society, provided the building blocks for what became the ‘Industrial Revolution’ and created a string of manufacturing, agricultural and engineering successes of which examples continue and remain, throughout the globe.

Stephen Morley summarises: “Manufacturing is a cornerstone of our GDP, and it has been proven time and time again that, when manufacturing is strong, the UK economy is in a good place”.

British engineering and ingenuity and innovation has also played a key role in keeping the UK and the people of the world, safe, free, fed and watered and it continues to do so.

Link to the Crowe Manufacturing Manifesto: Manifesto for Manufacturing