Celebrating a Decade of The C2S Annual Cricket Day at the Gloucestershire Cricket Festival!

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Celebrating a Decade of The C2S Annual Cricket Day at the Gloucestershire Cricket Festival!

What an incredible day at the Gloucestershire Cricket Festival, marking our 10th year of bringing businesses together for a day filled with sport, networking, and giving! The C2S Annual Cricket Day has grown to be more than just a sporting event; it’s a testament to the power of community and corporate collaboration.

This year, we were especially proud to support the Public Hearts Defibrillator campaign, spearheaded by the amazing Clare Seed of Tidal Training Direct. Thanks to the generosity and spirit of everyone involved, we raised an amazing £1300 on the day. But the support didn’t stop there – we received pledges exceeding £5000, which will fund six life-saving defibrillators in total!

Many thanks to Bob Holt OBE, EARNZ PLC for his support for the day and his tables contribution to the pledges!   As always a very generous supporter of many good causes!

Many thanks goes out to all who donated raffle prizes and participated in our envelope prize draw. Special mentions to Hotel Du Vin, The Ivy Cheltenham, The Queens Hotel and Laithwaites Wine for their generous contributions.

Together, we’ve not only enjoyed a day of cricket but also made a significant impact on our community.

Here’s to many more years of sportsmanship, camaraderie, and making a difference!


Thank you from Clare and Public Hearts Defibrillator Campaign 

“Tuesday 02 July was always going to be a special day at Circle2Success Cricket Festival 2024 with key members of our Public Hearts Defib Family.

When it comes to hospitality, the C2S leading ladies do an amazing job, every time = thank you.

With great appreciation and gratitude to philanthropy and business leader Bob Holt OBE’s continued generosity, this C2S event marked our 3 year Public Hearts anniversary together and progress from 6 defibs to 80 in two and a half years.

This is a tremendous achievement and well worth celebrating with amazing people, tasty food, lots of conversations and immense generosity to be able to fund even more defibrillators.

In fact, 6 MORE DEFIBRILLATORS! Including the raffle, donations, and pledges, that’s a grand total of £6,240. 

Thank you, and if you weren’t already, welcome to Public Hearts Defib Family!


Contact Clare on firstaid@tidaltraining.co.uk Tel 01242 371 999

For the donations made on card, here are bank account details are follows:

Lloyds Bank

Public Hearts (Rotary)

Sort code 30 95 96

Account 27092760

We were also pleased to have three of the parliamentary candidates for Cheltenham join us just 72 hours before the election: Max Wilkinson from the Liberal Democrats, Alex Chalk from the Conservative Party, and Lara Chaplin from the Labour Party. Their presence highlighted C2S’s engagement in the community and coming together with the business community.

Check out how to become involved in the Education Outreach Event 27th November 2024 at Cheltenham Racecourse:  https://www.circle2success.com/events/c2s-educational-outreach-live-bringing-students-and-businesses-together/

View more pictures of the day:  https://www.circle2success.com/photo-gallery/

View the Slides from the day:



More about The importance for Public Access Defibrillators: 

Defibrillators, are crucial for public access because they significantly increase the chances of survival in the event of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Here are some key reasons why they are so important:

1. Increased Survival Rates

  • Immediate Response: The likelihood of survival decreases by 10% with each minute that passes without defibrillation after a cardiac arrest. Defibs provide a way to deliver a shock quickly, often before emergency services can arrive.
  • Critical Time Window: Using a defibrillator within the first few minutes can increase the chance of survival up to 70%.

2. Ease of Use

  • User-Friendly: Defibs are designed to be used by laypersons with little or no training. They provide clear, step-by-step audio and visual instructions.
  • Automated Guidance: The device analyses the heart’s rhythm and instructs the user whether a shock is needed, ensuring that it is used correctly.

3. Accessibility

  • Public Locations: Placing defibs in public places such as schools, sports arenas, high streets,  and workplaces ensures they are readily available when needed.
  • Widespread Availability: Public access to defibs ensures that help is available not just from trained professionals but from anyone nearby.

4. Reduction of Permanent Damage

  • Timely Intervention: Quick defibrillation can prevent or reduce the severity of damage to the heart and brain by restoring normal heart rhythm, ensuring vital organs receive adequate blood flow.
  • Minimising Consequences: This can mean the difference between full recovery and long-term disability or death.

5. Community Empowerment

  • Training and Awareness: The presence of defibs encourages community members to learn CPR and how to use defibs.
  • Public Safety: Knowing that defibs are accessible can provide peace of mind to the community, making public spaces safer.

By supporting initiatives like the Public Hearts Defibrillator campaign, we can ensure that more defibs are available in our community, ultimately saving lives and improving public health outcomes.

Can you support the campaign?  learn more: https://www.tidaltrainingdirect.co.uk/public-hearts/