HR Focus with BPE & HR Champions

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HR Focus with BPE & HR Champions

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Thanks to our expert panel at our regularly monthly HR Focus:

Emily Arnold – BPE Solicitors




Cathy O’Donoghue – HR Champions



Our speakers covered – Proposed changes to legislation by the new government and Effective Inductions & Purposeful Probation’s

A really interesting session that started with Emily providing an overview of some of the new governments proposed new legislation changes that will have an impact on employers, like:

  • Day One  Employment Rights including:

– Unfair dismissal protection

– Parental leave

– Sick pay entitlement

– Flexible working

  • Statutory Sick Pay and Minimum Wage and removing discriminating age bands.
  • Ban on ‘exploitative’ zero hours contracts
  • Crack down on Fire & Rehire practices

There was a lot to discuss and certainly keep us all very busy over the coming months!

With the possibility of Day One Rights coming into being the induction process and on-boarding becomes more important.  We need to make sure all employees have the best opportunities to make a good start and the processes are robust/ followed and reviewed  in case the employee is not right for the job but also that they are an effective member of the team and contributing to the delivery of outcomes.

Cathy provided an overview and Top Tips on best practice for inductions and purposeful probation periods.

See Emily’s slides: Emily Arnold – Labour presentation_employment

See Cathy’s slides: HR Champions Inductions and Probations

Watch the recording of the session: