The Development Manager (TDM), a West Midlands training provider, specialising in Tech and Digital skills development, is calling on local employers to recruit quality candidates available from Digital Skills Bootcamp programmes.
Skills Bootcamps, which are a government-funded initiative, are courses where learners develop the employability skills and behaviours, and tech knowledge they need to successfully enter the workplace as Apprentices.
Throughout the region, employers need more boots on the ground to implement regular digital transformation projects such as: collating and utilising data, being seen online through their Digital Marketing and ensuring their infrastructure runs smoothly through their helpdesk support. TDM’s Skills Bootcamps can support learners in Digital Marketing, Data, Software Development, Tech and Cyber – All of which have natural progression routes onto career entry apprenticeships.
Skills Bootcamps provide an excellent opportunity for employers to hire learners, often dedicated career-entrants, as apprentices – trained specifically to the skills needs of their prospective employers.
Businesses would be giving these learners a chance to start their career and potentially progress within the organisation. In addition, organisations can recruit TDM Skills Bootcamp achievers at any time, rather than waiting for a September growth-spike as TDM operate ‘roll-on, roll-off’ programmes rather than starting one large cohort yearly.
To summarise: The candidates that could have a long-lasting impact on a business are available through Digital Skills Bootcamps and Apprenticeships, with government funding available to make this an accessible and cost-effective recruitment option for local employers.
The Development Manager (TDM) is a Tech and Digital training provider, specialising in the delivery of government funded Apprenticeships (Beginner to BSc (Hons) Degree) and Skills Bootcamps across the West Midlands. Through its range of programmes, TDM seeks to improve the social mobility of West Midlands residents, providing progression pathways to start and embed tech and digital careers.