C2S Executive

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C2S Executive Membership
Aimed at Directors, senior managers and rising stars, the Executive Forum provides a trusted environment for you to meet and discuss issues facing your business, while also learning new skills and building up a network of peer group support.
We hold a minimum of ten forums a year. Often held on the premises of our members, Executive Forums give you the chance to gain insights into best practice, and are organised by the C2S team.
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Benefits For Members
- Monthly Executive Forums on current business issues & topics (excluding Aug)
- Monthly visit to successful businesses of interest
- Access to the programme of Workshops and Masterclasses
- Access to quarterly sector specific Focus Groups
- Access to the C2S Socials
- Opportunity to promote yourself and your organisation
- Access to like-minded business leaders and networking opportunitites
- Facilitated peer group learning among successful businesses
- Support, research and advice shared across the group
- Opportunities for business alliances and collaborations
- A secure environment in which to discuss your challenges
- Access to local, regional and national decision makers
- Opportunities to raise the profile of your business.
- Access a complimentary One to One Coaching session with a top business coach
- Access our Supply Chain
- Access to our members Value Add, providing opportunities and discounts
- Access to on-line video clips of forums and workshops you have missed
- Access to key information, slides and useful tips from the forums
- Keep up to date with current business news through our monthly Newsletter and member only Weekly Round Up
Your commitment:
- Agreement to participate, add value and contribute
- Be prepared to share current issues and concerns
- Be prepared to share best practice to support other members
- Agreement to keep everything confidential – Chatham House Rules apply
- Abide by our code of conduct
An Exclusive Club
To join the Executive programme we ask that you complete a membership process. For successful applications, we will then carry out a strategic planning session to ensure all your aims and objectives will be met. Also included in the membership is the option to take up the following complimentary service.
- Complimentary 1:1 Coaching session with leading business coach
C2S Executive – for Directors; Senior Managers & Managers £1500 +VAT Gloucestershire Only or monthly payment option available