C2S Leader

Become a C2S Leader
This membership, aimed at business leaders, is designed to provide a trusted environment where MDs, CEOs, Directors, Partners and Board Members can come together to discuss and debate strategic issues facing their businesses. You will benefit from being a C2S Leader by engaging with business people who are open to innovative and best practice ideas, inspired by others achievements and willing to share lessons learned and actions taken.
C2S is open to organisations from all sectors, size and turnover with the aspirations to grow and further develop their organisations. Our unique format has been designed to be flexible and adaptable to match your requirements. We offer a variety of opportunities to engage in relaxed environments which are productive, inspiring and informative.
Newsletter Sign Up
Benefits For Your Business
Marketing & Advertising
- Promote your business to our member networks and beyond, to include all regions.
- Quarter page advert in the C2S 6 monthly Business magazine
- Company profile page on the C2S website
- Company advert on the C2S website
- Connected to 10,000 social media connections
- Good news stories and updates in our weekly and monthly newsletter
- Value + page where members can make offers/benefits to other C2S members providing real value to being a member
- Ask the Expert feature to encourage members to work closer together and access experts for advice and assistance
- Opportunity to host C2S events
Development, Learning & Engagement
- Regular Forums on topical subjects and visits of best practice
- HR Focus Groups for HR professionals to discuss latest updates and topics
- Manufacturing Focus Groups where manufacturers come together to discuss issues and challenges related to their sector.
- Cyber Focus led by UK expert Professor Richard Benham recently seen on the BBC
- Be part of the C2S Work placement Pledge and make your pledge to provide purposeful work experience for young people
- Complimentary new member Strategy Session, test your strategy on how well you and your team are performing
Benefits For you
- Monthly Leaders Forums in your region on current business topics (Leader place can be shared).
- Best Practice visits to successful businesses of interest. Previous visits have included: EDF Energy; Gloucester Rugby; Weston’s Cider; Mitsubishi & Capita
- Personal Invitation for you and a guest to our CEO/Director Round Tables
- Invitation to our regional C2S Social events (meet members from other regions)
- Leader personal profile page on the C2S website
- Opportunity for you to connect directly with all other C2S Leaders through our member only area
- Access to industry experts; political and public sector leaders
- Access to our NED Programme
- Opportunity to further develop a broader business knowledge and stay connected to the latest business thinking
- Access to Weekly & Monthly Newsletters; whitepapers; articles and updates and workshop/forum materials and slides
C2S Leader – for CEO’s; MD’s; Directors. Business Owners, Entrepreneurs & Board Members £1950 +VAT
Monthly payment options can be considered, which include an additioanl 10% administration charge.