The Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (WLEP), one of 38 in England, is responsible for creating and delivering economic growth and jobs in the County. This is achieved through a partnership approach with business, local government, the third sector and higher and further education working together with a common, shared purpose.
The WLEP is responsible for developing and delivering Worcestershire’s 10-year Strategic Economic Plan which was agreed by all partner organisations and submitted to Government in March 2014. The WLEP is working to:
* Create 25,000 jobs
* Increase Gross Value Added (GVA) by £2.9bn
* Contribute towards the delivery of 21,500 new homes by 2025.
A total of £71.71m of Growth Deal funding is available between 2015 and 2021 for agreed economic projects to ensure that Worcestershire is a world class place to work, invest and do business. The WLEP is also responsible for a €68m EU programme which contributes to delivery of all parts of the Strategic Economic Plan and provides specific grant funding to support businesses and training with a focus on moving individuals into work.