Opportunity to Join Next Cohort of University’s Help To Grow Management Programme

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Opportunity to Join Next Cohort of University’s Help To Grow Management Programme

The University of Gloucestershire are holding their last Help to Grow Management Programme cohort for this year, which is being arranged for next month if you are interested and here is a reminder of the course with some further information:

  • Developed by industry experts and entrepreneurs, and delivered by the UK’s leading business schools.
  • The course provides 50 hours of support and is designed to be manageable around work commitments.
  • Do the course alongside a small cohort of other business leaders who become your trusted support network.
  • You’ll also receive additional one-to-one mentoring as part of the course to help you with this.

The course is valued at £7,500, but is 90% funded by government, so you only pay £750.

By the end, you will:

  • Develop a growth action plan uniquely tailored to helping you grow your business.
  • Recognise what drives productivity and growth in your market and understand what this means for your business.
  • Understand how to innovate your business model, including how to adopt and invest in new and digital technologies.
  • Develop strategies to improve operational efficiency, saving time and money.
  • Identify key markets for your business and develop strategies for market segmentation, positioning and targeting.
  • Develop your leadership and management skills, enhancing employee wellbeing and engagement in the process.
  • Learn how to advance responsible business practices, including how to create an inclusive workplace and adopt greener workplace practices.

Our final cohort has now been launched to start on:

Places are limited and are filling up very quickly.


You can view our introductory video and hear from businesses that have been through the Help to Grow: Management course here.

Over 140 Gloucestershire business leaders have already completed this programme, including Rixon Architects in Cirencester, and Helipebs Controls based in Gloucester, who have shared their experience of the programme.

Jonathan Rixon, Director of Rixon Architects, said:

“Help to Grow: Management at University of Gloucestershire allowed me to ‘zoom out’ and see that I was the log-jam in some of the decision-making processes. Allowing the team the power and the freedom to make their own decisions and trust them really helped the business run. The course forced me to stand outside the business and see those opportunities you just can’t see in the day to day, it’s really recommended”

Victoria Hayward, Director of Helipebs Controls, said:

“It’s been a fantastic experience, especially having all the other local companies that have been involved. It gives you a really great view with different takes on situations. I personally have picked up lots of tips from other people on the course and have bought their ideas back to the company which was fantastic”