We know that your mind may be on Christmas gifts, office parties and time off work. But, if you’re also thinking about changing jobs, please don’t be put off by the festive season. Christmas and New Year is a great time to find a new role.
Why? Many companies have been working hard all year and in the wind down to the Christmas and the New Year, their ‘to do list’ might be given a little more attention. And what’s on most managers ‘to do list’? Staffing! You’ve heard of the great resignation. Well, Christmas is traditionally a time where people resign and we don’t think this year will be any different. So, there will be plenty of opportunities for new roles. Plus, some staff who receive an annual Christmas bonus may just wait to pocket the cash and then hand in their resignation. That’s a happy new year for them, and you! This time of year, many companies are reviewing their budget and may find they have surplus funds to cover a further salary. Or they may be given their hiring budgets in January. Plus, hiring managers back from a long break will be keen to make a start on any recruitment activity which may have been on placed on pause over Christmas. So, get your application in now! Spring is a popular time to look for a new job, but that does mean the competition is fierce. Christmas and New Year is a better time to send speculative applications and start connecting. One vital thing to remember is that if you are looking to change roles, even if you don’t see a surge in job advertisements, there is lots of activity going on behind the scenes. So, you need to be ready to go with your application once January pops! • Keep your CV updated By introducing yourself to the team at Omega now, you’ll save time searching and scrolling through job ads this December and January. Wouldn’t you rather be enjoying the festive fun?! Chances are, we have a great company and perfect role just waiting for you. And remember, a recruiter is for life and not just for Christmas! Once we know all about you and the kind of job you’d love, we can always help you on your career path – no matter what the season. Once thing is for sure, we’re not winding down. We’re always here for our candidates and clients. So, call us anytime and we’d be happy to talk to you. Call 01453 827 333 or email info@omegaresource.co.uk |